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Pitt Meadows, British Columbia | Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je sais parler
Anglais, Autre
Je me décrirais comme
I am a very caring person. I work with special needs kids, specifically children with autism. I am currently a full-time student studying to get my BA in Psychology. I adore my family, especially my nieces and nephews. I love animals but do not currently have a pet of my own due to time and money issues from being a full-time student. Frickin student loans don't leave a lot for anything other than school and basic living lol. I work doing behavioural Intervention with autistic kids but it's very part-time. I do plan on taking the summer semester off because the courses offered during the summer aren't that great, and then I can work more as well. I hope to one day become either a speech therapist or an occupational therapist working with children with special needs. I love music. I sing all the time. My taste in music is very eclectic. I am pretty quirky. I love being silly and I crack jokes all of the time. I have a very crass sense of humour and my mind tends to live in the gutter. I'm also extremely Punny.. I love a good/horrible pun. I can be very sarcastic and my humour is never to be taken seriously. I have a very close knit group of friends who I spend a lot of time with. I am very outspoken and will always stand up for myself and what I believe in. I'm quite blunt about most things. I believe there's not much use in people who dance around things. Just be upfront and honest. I can't stand liars or people who toy with others emotions. If you aren't invested in something or interested in someone, don't lead them on. I treat others how I would like to be treated but I also don't take shit. If you are rude and disrespectful to me, I am most likely going to give it right back to you. I like playing games like poker and pool and cards.. boardgames as well. I love coffee.. it is a new found obsession of mine since I hated it until I was about 23. I would love to meet someone who is down to earth and can joke around and be respectful to myself and others. I need someone who is intellectually stimulating... I'm not a snob or anything but if you aren't very intelligent and you have atrocious grammar and horrible spelling, we probably won't get along too well. If there's anything else you would like to know, please feel free to ask :)

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est
Ma taille est
5' 4 (1.63 m)
Mes yeux sont
Mon origine ethnique est
Ma situation maritale est
J'ai des enfants
Je veux des enfants
Ce que j'ai de mieux
Art Corporel
Mes cheveux sont
J'en ai 1 ou plus
Pas d'animaux
Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs


Mon niveau d'éducation est
Etudes secondaires incomplètes
Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est
Mon domaine de compétence est
Mon titre de fonction est
Behavioural Interventionist
J'ai gagné cette année
De 15,000 € à 29,999 €
Je vis
Chez moi
C'est plutôt calme
Je fume
Oui - socialement
Je bois de l'alcool
Oui - socialement


Au lycée, j'étais un/e
Clown de la classe
Socialement, je suis plutôt
Tapageur, Comique, Séducteur, Sympa, Bruyant, Ouvert
Mes passions et loisirs sont
Art & artisanat, Ordinateurs, Cuisine, Famille, Internet, Jeux, Apprendre, Films, Musique, Jeux de cartes, Lecture, Sports, Télévision
Un bon moment pour moi c'est
Boire un coup, Sortir avec des amis, Faire du shopping, Aller au casino, Aller à un concert, Aller au musée, Faire la fête, Se déguiser, Jouer aux jeux vidéos, Lire, Me relaxer, Dormir, Rester à la maison, Regarder un bon film, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Télévision
Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait
Something very chill and no pressure. I'd rather go for coffee or something than a movie or dinner.. because that way if there's no spark or things are awkward.. there's no serious commitment either party has to stick to lol.
J'ai toujours voulu essayer
travelling, snowboarding, facing my fears with heights,
Mes amis me décrivent comme
Sympa, Trublion, Coquin/e, Neuneu

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma religion c'est
Croyances spirituelles mais pas religieuses
Je vais à la messe
Mon but dans la vie c'est
To become either a speech pathologist or an occupational therapist working with children with autism and other special needs :)
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt
Vicelard, Intelligent, Sarcastique, Sympa, Neuneu, Obscur/e, Sadique, Bouffon, Coquin/e


A la télévision, je regarde
Dessins animés, Documentaires, Drames, Sitcoms, Programmes instructifs, Films, Sports, TV réalité, Rediffusions
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours
Action, Science-fiction, Comédies, Romantiques, Drames, Famille, Animation, Thrillers
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est
Musique ambientale, Blues, Classique, Country, Dance, Electro, Folk, Indus, Jazz, Latino, Metal, New age, Pop, Punk, Reggae, Rap, Rock, Soul, Le bruit de l'aspirateur
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est
Autobiographies, Biographies, Littérature classique, Bandes-dessinées / Romans graphiques, Fantaisie, Fictions, Santé, Horreur, Humour, Programmes instructifs, Musique, Mystères, Nature, Philosophie, Romantiques, Surnaturel, Sciences, Science-fiction
Mon idée du fun
laughing, music, friends, family, animals, psychology, hockey, cooking, N64, fishing, camping, hiking, kickboxing, mini golf, I miss playdium, movies, water slides, roller coasters, comedy clubs, dancing, horseback riding, water fights, go karting, quadding, shooting guns, 4x4ing, bon fires, bowling, video games, my ipad, reading, learning, laughing, amusement park rides, vegas, poker, chess, shopping, shoes, perfume, boating

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?
Audace, Empathie, Séduction, Humour, Intelligence, Etrangeté, Sensibilité, Délicatesse, Bon sens
Que recherchez-vous?
Someone who can be understanding of the fact that I know I am not perfect and I have things, just like we all do, that I know I need to work on and am in the process of working on. I am all about bettering myself and my life for a joyful and happy future. I want someone with that same mindset. Also I adore humour. A guy who isn't good with or doesn't like kids should stay away from me. Anyone who is ignorant about race or people with special needs, should not bother talking to me. I like caring, funny, HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY, individuals. I do NOT like or respect people who play games with other peoples emotions. Also you would have to get along with my friends and family :)
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?
Pote virtuel, Rendez-vous, Engagement